A Little Romance and a Little Adventure....
Make for a great Sunday afternoon read!
Blue Moon, The Moonstruck Series #3
By: Linda Windsor
ISBN: 0785260641
Dr. Jeanne Madison is a 26 year old archeologist who is leading a federally funded expedition to locate and excavate a sunken vessel in the waters off of Mexico's Yucatan penninsula. With her team of students and other archeologists she locates a captain and his rust-bucket of a ship to transport them to the site and to aid in the excavation. As she begins the excavation of the site will she find more than just a sunken ship in the blue waters of Mexico?
I really enjoyed this book even though it was somewhat idealistic. Romances don't usually happen over the course of a week or two and of course it's never quite so simple as it is in this story. However, it satisfies that craving for a little romance in one's life! The surprise twists in this book also make it quite enjoyable. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes romance coupled with adventure.
Windsor, Linda. Blue Moon. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2006.
Posted by: Miss H.
Where's the picture of the book? I'm not interested without a picture.
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