A Book review of "Surely you're joking, Mr Feynman!"

Surely you're joking,
Mr. Feynman
by Richard P. Feynman and Ralph Leighton
ISBN: 0-393-31604-1
Richard Feynman was a student was a student of MIT and a professor at Caltech. When he was young, he had a laboratory in his house. He would always have experiments in that room. He bought a radio that was broken, but he found out what was wrong with the radio just by thinking. People heard that he fixed a radio just by thinking, and they started to call him to fix their radios. Isn't that amazing? He fixed radios better than any adults when he was about 12 year-old.
I really enjoyed reading this book. This is one of my favorite books. Before I read this book, I thought people who go to university like MIT and Stanford are nerds. I thought the only thing they did was studying, but guess what? Richard P. Feynman, who was a student of MIT and a professor at Caltech did a lot of fun and stupid things you can ever imagine in MIT. He wasn’t a kind of person who studies the whole day, but he liked to make jokes. He helped making an atomic bomb but he was also a great safecracker. You can’t stop laughing once you start reading this book. He was also a Nobel prizewinner who didn’t want to get that amazing prize because he was too lazy. How stupid is that? He didn't want any fame nor money, he just liked to study. I recommand you to read this book, because this book has some amazing stories. I think the best joke he ever made was when he stole a door from MIT. If you are curious about this story, check it out!
Feynman, Richard. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1985.
Posted by Joseph W. Cho
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