The Adventures of Benny and Watch
Title:The Adventures of Benny and Watch
Author: Chandler, Gertrude
There werefour children that were lost. Once, they stopped at a bakery shop and ask the baker if they can sleep over the night. It was acceptable and they went inside. In middle oif the night, the oldest if the orphan heard the bakers' conversation and it was about the youngest sending to Children's Home. However, they did not want to do that so they ran away. They were looking for a place to live. Finally, they found a boxcar. Few days later, A old man talked to them. And he was.............
The title says "The 'adventures' of Benny and Watch" but I think its also mystery because after they ran away they found a boxcar. Also at the end a old man talked to them and you will find out who he is after you read this book.
I really like this book and also even kids won't like it. The whole story is about finding out a big boxcar and a old man. Most kids show their interest to the books that are about witches and royallty.
Published by Scholastic Inc., 555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.
Donghwae Park.
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