-Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs-
Title: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Author: Walt Disney
Once upon a time there was a young and sweet princess, named Snow White. She lived with her stepmother, a queen. The queen had a magic mirror, so everyday she asked the mirror who is the fairest one of all. The answer was always the queen. One day when she asked, it said Snow White is the fairest. The queen was so angry, that she called the woodman and ordered him to kill Snow White. The next day, when he was going to kill, he just let her to run away. She ran on and on and found a small cottage. There was no one. She cleaned that house. Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs went to the cottage after their work. The dwarfs agreed to live with the princes. She lived with the seven dwarfs happily. The next morning, when they went to work, her stepmother who decided to kill Snow White, she changed into an old witch. She went to her house and gave a poisonous apple that would make her sleep forever. Snow White bit and fell asleep and the witch also died because of the dwarfs. When they came it was too late. And then........... Find it out what happens next! Ah!! I wish I could tell you the end, which is my favorite part!
The genre of this book is fairy tale☆
☺There's a problem (events) and it ended with happy ending.
☺This story cannot happen in real life; the magic mirror, and the queen turning into an another person.
☺ It's a story for kids.
☺When Snow White was cleaning the house, the animals helped.
This is impossible. I wish they could.
Hayana's Opinion on the book:
I love this book. I was so glad that I could do this book in this assignment. I still read this book when I feel lonely about boyfriend. Thinking my prince will come someday as Snow White did. I highly recommend this book to kids who likes happy endings and have princess disease. This books made me to buy Snow White's outfit, stickers, and things that would make me like Snow White. Looking pictures are also interesting. They are so adorable. Especially the dwarfs. This book is also thrilling when Snow White is eating an apple.
Disney Walt. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Western Pulishing Company, Inc., Racine, Wisconsin 53404: 1984.
-Hayana Nam- 7th.
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