THE LITTLE PRINCE ( Le Petit Prince )

The narrator speaks about his experience with a little fellow, known to be called the Little Prince. After his discouragement of being an artist as a career, he decided to be a pilot; a job adults more likely prefer than drawing. He ends up crash landing in the Sahara desert, but that was the beginning of his fate with the Prince. Him drawing a sheep for the Prince brought them close together, and the Prince begins to reveal his adventures. The narrator, though at first he acted ignorant like an adult, becomes more interested into him.
Our main character, the Little Prince first starts out on his own little planet; a planet named Asteroid B-612. It is where he can see the sunset by moving his chair a few feet, and where he falls in love with a beautiful rose sprouting on his planet. One day he decides to leave, to explore other things he's never experienced. He meets adults on different stars along the way, and doesn't try to understand them; for he is only a child. The reaches earth and begin meeting new friends, and the author himself.
This book is for readers of all ages, but on my opinion, adults who read this will break their mind of thinking logically, and will begin to think more thoroughly with things. An example would be when the author draws a snake that ate an elephant, but adults would just look at it as if it was a hat. Only a child would tell what it really was.
Our main character, the Little Prince first starts out on his own little planet; a planet named Asteroid B-612. It is where he can see the sunset by moving his chair a few feet, and where he falls in love with a beautiful rose sprouting on his planet. One day he decides to leave, to explore other things he's never experienced. He meets adults on different stars along the way, and doesn't try to understand them; for he is only a child. The reaches earth and begin meeting new friends, and the author himself.
This book is for readers of all ages, but on my opinion, adults who read this will break their mind of thinking logically, and will begin to think more thoroughly with things. An example would be when the author draws a snake that ate an elephant, but adults would just look at it as if it was a hat. Only a child would tell what it really was.
This book can be under the genre of Fantasy or Fairy Tale because:
-There are made up characters; talking animals and plants.
- Human beings unfortunately cannot live on asteroids/small planets
- It could end happily ever after or maybe even end it as a mystery!
The book The Little Prince has translation copies around the whole world and is now celebrating its 60th anniversary. If you are interested, visit the official site :
Author: Antoine De Saint-Exupery
ISBN : 0-15-601219-7
De Saint-Exupery, Antoine. The Little Prince. Orlando, FL: Hardcourt Inc., 2000
Translations from French to English: Richard Howard.
The book The Little Prince has translation copies around the whole world and is now celebrating its 60th anniversary. If you are interested, visit the official site :
Author: Antoine De Saint-Exupery
ISBN : 0-15-601219-7
De Saint-Exupery, Antoine. The Little Prince. Orlando, FL: Hardcourt Inc., 2000
Translations from French to English: Richard Howard.
-HJ. K<3
ah>< i wanna read this book agian:)
u did gre~~~~~~at jo/b!!!!!!!!!
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