The Clue of the Broken Locket (Final)

Title: The Clue of the Broken Locket
Author: Carolyn Keene
ISBN: 0-448-09511-4
Summary of this Book: This book is about a girl called Nancy Drew who tries to solve a mystery about the broken locket. The mystery all starts with a man called Henry Winch who got scared when he saw an old launch drifting on a lake near his cottage. There is an ancient story about the launch- around the turn of the century there had been a large picnic grove at the far end of the lake. An excursion launch had carried parties up to the picnic ground. But one day the launch sprang a leak and sank down quickly. Everyone who was on board was all trapped and lost. But strangely a girl called Cecily comes to the cottage which Henry Winch use to live in. Cecily is lucky to have 3 girls as accompany- Nancy, George, and Bess. The three girls finds out why Cecily came to the haunted place for her holiday and they also learn that she is engaged to Niko Van Dyke who is a famous pop singer. The girls comes to know that there is a girl who looks very similar with Cecily and they become suspicious of her because she always ran away from the girls when they saw each other. Nancy and along with her friends solves both mysteries- Cecily's problem and the suspicious girl. They also finds out that the Driscolls have been doing bad things to earn money.
Author: Carolyn Keene
ISBN: 0-448-09511-4
Summary of this Book: This book is about a girl called Nancy Drew who tries to solve a mystery about the broken locket. The mystery all starts with a man called Henry Winch who got scared when he saw an old launch drifting on a lake near his cottage. There is an ancient story about the launch- around the turn of the century there had been a large picnic grove at the far end of the lake. An excursion launch had carried parties up to the picnic ground. But one day the launch sprang a leak and sank down quickly. Everyone who was on board was all trapped and lost. But strangely a girl called Cecily comes to the cottage which Henry Winch use to live in. Cecily is lucky to have 3 girls as accompany- Nancy, George, and Bess. The three girls finds out why Cecily came to the haunted place for her holiday and they also learn that she is engaged to Niko Van Dyke who is a famous pop singer. The girls comes to know that there is a girl who looks very similar with Cecily and they become suspicious of her because she always ran away from the girls when they saw each other. Nancy and along with her friends solves both mysteries- Cecily's problem and the suspicious girl. They also finds out that the Driscolls have been doing bad things to earn money.
Genre: The Clue in the Broken Locket is a mystery book because the problem gets worse and worse until the problem is solved. Also even though Nancy is a detective it takes her a while to solve the matter for the problem is quite confusing. Even a clever detective finds it very tricky to solve the mystery. Lastly, this story gets all your mind tense because you don't know what would happen to the girls and every mystery books get you tense inside. If you read a mystery book you can not put the book down because you would want to read the rest of the story and know how the story ends.
Opinion of the Book: I think this book was quite thrilling and exciting to read. I would recommend that everyone would read this book and learn how the do some sleuthing when there is a mystery happening near you. The best part of the book was when the phantom launch suddenly appeared and vanished in to thin air. While I was read this part I got goosebumps all over my arm and kept hopping that Nancy would soon solve the problem. Just imagine seeing a old launch coming into action so that you can see. I encourage everyone to read this book along with Nancy Drew Mystery Books Collection.
Citation: Keene, Carolyn. The Clue of the Broken Locket. New York: Simon &Schuster, Inc., 2003.
-Julie Lee-
oh my...
JUlie!!so good!!!!OTL....
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