Stone of Tears

Title: Stone of Tears
Author: Terry Goodkind
ISBN: 0-812-55148-6
After the first book, the Wizard's First Rule, Richard destroys Darken Rahl by using the Wizard's First Rule (which was that people are stupid and can be easily misled).
After he kills Darken Rahl and starts living a normal life, he starts to get headache. The headache grows worse everyday and he tries to find out why he has the headaches. Three women, who are called the Sister of the Light, come to take him to a place.
He finds out that he started getting the headaches because of his powers. He was just learning to use his powers and he didn't yet know how to control them. The Sister of the Light promise to teach him how to control his powers and get rid of the headaches, but while they are there, they discover evil Sister of the Light who try to kill Richard. I don't want to tell you anymore because it is a good book and I don't want to ruin it for you.
I liked this book and i thought that it was really good. I thought that it was better than the first book. The series is called the Sword of Truth. Again, I like how the author explains and details the story and the characters. Just reading the first few chapters, the book caught my attention and I couldn't keep myself from reading it. I love this book and I consider you reading it. If you read it, I hope you like it.
Goodkind, Terry. Stone of Tears. New York: Tor Fantasy/Tom Doherty Associates,LLC, 1997.
-Posted by Barnabas Yoo
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