Title: The Series of Unfortunate Events- The Penultimate Peril
Author: Lemony Snicket
ISBN-13: 978-0-06-441015-1
ISBN-10: 0-06-441015-3
The story starts with Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire, waiting for a taxi to pick them up and take them to Hotel Denouement. While, the Baudelaires are waiting Count Olaf and other vilians, and members of V.F.D. join together at Hotel Denoument for a very special event. The Baldelaires finally is picked-up and taken to the hotel where they have to work as concierges. At the hotel they met the managers, who are triplets!(*hint: One of the triplets is evil and the other two are helping the Baudelaires orphans), Count Olaf, and other fishy people.While, working at the hotel will the Baudelaires uncover the the secrets of V.F.D.? Will they find the Quagmire triplets? Will Count Olaf defeat them once and for all?
I thought this book was really great! It got me really thinking because everything doesn't happen in order so you have to remember the things that happened in the beginning, middle, and end. Also, I really wanted to know what happened to the Baudelaire Orphans.
I really recommened this book to people who are interested into mystery and problem-solving books. Also, to people who like to read fun books because once you get started with this books you don't want to stop reading it.
Snicket, Lemony. The Penultimate Peril. New York. Harper Collins Publishers Inc. 2004
Monica Yearby
I love baudelaire.. they're story is cool!!
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