The Little Red Hen
The Little Red Hen
author: Randal,l Ronne P
ISBN: 0-7214-1563-6
Once upon a time there was a little red hen. She lived on a farm with other animals. One day, she saw some grain of wheat and she wanted to plant those wheat. She took them in the farmyard where her friends were. The little red hen asked her friends to help her to plant those wheat but they all refuse to do it. She just planted the grains by herself on a shinniest part of the field. Few days later, the wheat grew tall and strong so the little red hen wanted to cut those wheat. She asked again to her friends to help her but they refused again. The little red hen cut down the wheat by herself. After that she asked help to her friends to take the wheat to the miller but they refused to take it. The little red hen took the wheat to the miller and he ground it into flour. She asked her friends again to take those flour to the baker but again they refused to take it. The little red hen took the flour to the backer and he made the flour into a loaf of fresh, tasty bread.
I think this book is for the kindergarteners and maybe elementary. This book is based on a traditional folk tale. The Little Red Hen is a very short and easy book to read and also many big pictures. This book will be a very boring book to the high school students. It's very interesting that the little red hen is doing all kinds of thing.
Stephanie Oh (7th)
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