-The Girlfriend-

*_title_* The Girlfriend
*_author_* R.L. Stine
*_ISBN_* 0-590-44333-X
*_ This is a book about a boy name Scotty who gets himself into the scariest relationship with a girl name Shannon. Before he met Shannon, he had a perfect life, a perfect girlfriend named Lora. Everything was the same until one day he started to talk to Shannon and she fell completely in love with him. But she loved him too much, and she would do ANYTHING to be with him. He tries to run away from this, but nothing can stop her from chasing after him. _*
*_ I thought this book was interesting. It it suppose to be a little scary and creepy, and i think it was. It talks about a girl who loves a boy to death, and wont go away. Everyday since he met her he lives in horror. I kind of feel bad for the boy, but it was his fault for cheating on his perfect girlfriend. _*
Stine R.L. The Girlfriend. New York. Scholastic Inc. 1991.
*__ Soyoung Wolfe __*
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