Harry potters and the sorcerer's stone

In the world people likes Harry Potter series,but I like Harry Potter and the sorcerer`s stone.
Because,I kown his history(live ,life,his parents),so I think this story is better than others sries.
Harry hasn't any friend,and his life is so badly.because Dursleys family.Mrs.Durasleys is his aunt. Harry's mom and dad is died. harry's dad is magician,and his mom is humans. Onedays he goes to the zoo he saw the big snake.he walk to the snake house,and he looked at the snake.
So he says to snakes something then the snake answer to harry . His so suppries with the snake. his cousin walk to harry ,and he said "what are you doing crazy boy?" Harry is so upset for his cousin.He pray to something is throught away his cousin to the snake`s house.Then after a few minute lookes like magic his cousin through away to snake house.His aunt and uncles so upset to him ,but harry is so suppries.Otherdays someone sent to letter to harry. he look to this letter and read then he is so excited.Because he goes to magic school,and he learned magic,and make a friend.This story ended is harry potter fight to voldemort with his friend.
My opinion this book is so funny for me ,and we already know about this book .because I think everybody saw Harry potters movies,and most important is I like this book.
3example is
1.This book is more interesting other book.
2.We read to this book use imagination.
3.Make a movies to this book
Authors:J.K .Rowling
Title:Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone
by: jennifer.G
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