[The Great Gatsby]
By. F. Scott Fitzgerald
ISBN : 89-86964-95-3

Nick Carraway, an observer.
Tom Buchanan, an unscrupulous person.
Daisy Buchanan, love money the most.
Jay Gatsby, spent his life for get Daisy's love.
Jordan Baker, a dishonest person.
This is a story of people who were roaming their life.
I like the way that author puts events together and the description which is make a vivid image. Even person like me(don't remember or never been to America.) can easily imagine.
The other thing I like is the figurative expression of this book.
This book criticise the American dream and the jazz age. The reason that Daisy's name is Daisy which is also plant name is because of the her personality. The personality that has no passions. Same with the valley of ash(the village's name). And Gatsby is the assistance idea of the pure part of American Dream.
The best thing was the character and its mental state changes. Fitzgerald has a way of describing character's mental state. Specially the part that Gatsby stood on the bay and raising his arms to the green light which is flow out from Daisy's house.
I really like that expression. "The green light"
In western they use arsenic to make green artificially.
Arsenic is a kind of poison. It's related to the why people painting monster with green.
Poison has relation with death.
Daisy is a poison for Gatsby.
To get Daisy's love he became a criminal. Ultimately he died because of Daisy.
The out appearance of Gatsby is just a swindler but, his the only one person who lived truly in the false and I think that's why the title is The Great Gatsby.
This book make me think about lot of thing. About the value the truth and false. Great and little.
Published by Shinasa, 2001
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby.
postede by. Jane D. Nho
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