Saturday, May 20, 2006

No Childs Game

Title: No Child's Game: Reality T.V. 2083
Author: Andrea White

This book is a story of the future. It is a story of how kids will do almost anything just to get an education. In this book these five very different kids with very different backgrounds come together to experience the harshness of the antartic. To follow in the footsteps of a famous failure by the name of Robert F. Scott they set off for his goal. There reward is great. Something that not many kids today would want but need. Something they want more than anything in this world(you have to read it to find out what). The kids are doing this on reality t.v where they believe camera crews will be around. But "Hot Sauce" is worried for her camera crew and sets up corneal implants in the snow. Find out what happens with them.
I personnaly thought the book was good and Aundrea White had a perspective that i had never thought of about the future. How children would have to roll dice and get a certain number so that they could get a scholarship to a college or even a high school. It is also weird how she mentions that cars would not have enhanced by then but they are still the same as present day. I do also like how this book gives you a perspective on how she thinks people in the future would think about our past and the new way that they can learn about the american history through reality t.v. read it and find out. I highly recomend this book as a pleasure book even though it is sometimes hard to follow with all the flashbacks that happen.

White, Andrea. No Child's Game: Reality T.V. 2083. New York: HarperCollins, 2005.

By: Dakota Romsa


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