Hansel and Gretel
Title: Hansel & Gretel
Author/Retold by: James Marshall
ISBN: 0-590-44990-7
Once upon a time....
There were two siblings living in a cottage near a forest with their father and their stepmother. The boy was called Hansel; the girl was called Gretel. One day a great famine came upon the land and the stepmother decided to leave them in the forest for(in her thought) there weren't anything left to eat because the kids were eating the food all to themselves. The father disapproved, but he had no choice but to follow his wife's orders. The siblings eavesdropped the first time and prepared themselves with white pebbles so that they could find themselves back home again. Eventually they found their way home and the parents were surprised.
Another famine occured and the stepmother thought of the same plan as she did before; leave them in the woods. This time Hansel could not go out and collect white pebbles as he did before. Instead the next day when they went into the woods, Hansel left a trail of his bread crumbs to find a way back home. They became lost while finding a way back home; all the birds ate the trail of bread crumbs. But a white bird appeared and led them to a house made of sweets; the children began to eat off of it because they were hungry.
A witch; the owner of the sweet house caught the children eating off her house. She first allured them by pretending to be nice, but the next day she locked Hansel into a cage. Her plan was to eat Hansel when he was fattened up; plump and juicy. Gretel was to do all the witch's work.
Read this book to find out the ending!
This book can go under the genre of FOLKLORE because:
* This story has been passed down for many many generations
* Ends happily ever after
* Fictatious; Some of the parts in this story cannot actually happen in real life
My opinion about this book is that it was very fun because it brought back memories of reading this story when i was younger. I would think that this would actually happen; my parents leaving me alone in a forest and I would find the witch's house and become locked in a cage, but now I know that it could never happen. Many pictures are involved in the book and it is extremely easy to read so I would say that most children would like it.
Work Cited:
Marshall, James. Hansel and Gretel. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1993
Hee-Jung Kim.
( i cannot indent because of the blogger's programming. ITS NOT MY FAULT
& I made some adjustments on my other entry: The Little Prince. Please take note of that)
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