
Title: Tangerine
Author: Edward Bloor
ISBN: 0-590-43277-X
Summary: Paul Fisher's life gets worse after he moves from his house in Texas to a crowded little neighborhood in Florida. His life seems to go downhill because people are dying all around him. Paul is the only one who seems to see the true monster in Erik, his brother. Erik has this great football dream, where he is this great football star. Paul, who played as goalie for the soccer team, doesn’t get attention from his father. Paul was crippled by looking straight into an eclipse at the age of 3 and is not eligible to play on the school soccer team because he is legally blind, when in fact he sees it the other way. Paul knows that he can see great, and his mother knows it also. Paul later learns the horrible truth about Erik.
Opinion: The book sucked. The book was pointless, and it didn’t have a moral. It was unrealistic because Erik committed a bunch of crimes and didn’t get punished. Even though the family of the murdered man knows who killed him, they wait several weeks to tell the police.
Bloor, Edward.Tangerine.New York:Scholastic inc 1997
A. Budge
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