Hush, Little Alien
"Hush, Little Alien" by Daniel Kirk, is a book in which an alien father sings "Hush, Little Baby" to its alien child. The famous lullaby is changed so that it fits in with aliens and the activities that they do. Instead of singing "Hush, Little Baby, Don't say A word, Daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird", the alien father sings "Hush, Little Alien, Don't say a word, Papa's gonna catch you a goonie-bird."
I think this book is made for younger readers. Children that are around the age of 1 through 3 would like "Hush, Little Alien" because it has colorful pictures and it is a different version of a lullaby. If someone was to read (or sing) this book to a group of toddlers, it would catch their attention with the strange objects in the pictures.
The book "Hush, Little Alien" is a science fiction book. It has aliens that travel on a made up planet. When the alien father sings to his alien child, he talks about futuristic technology and things that have to do with space.
Title: Hush, Little Alien
Genre: Science-Fiction
ISBN: 078680759-8
Kirk, Daniel. Hush, Little Alien. New York: Hyperion, 1999.
-Christian Manning 7th
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