on the long trail home
Title: On The Long Trail Home
Isbn: 0-590-54324-5
Author: Elisabeth J. Stewart
Meli and her brother Tahlikwa, were separated when the soldiers came and conquered their tribe. While she is having a long journey to an unknown land, she doubts if her brother is still alive, or dead. One day she finds her brother, and when the soldiers are buisy, she escapes from them with her brother and tries to find her home toghether before the soldiers get them. During their journey, a lot of things happen, they face danger, or share happiness with eachother, and also care for eachother during this whole book.....
I think this book is very interesting. This book shows friendship and love for eachother. Also this book is very fun to read because the events pass really fast and you can imagine what is happening, in your head. I think this book is a good book to read for children, but not for adults or grownups because i think it is going to be a little boring to them. I think little kids between 10-13 would like this book a lot.
Genre:Historical fiction. This book is historical fiction because this story is about the past. It could also happen these days. This book talks about the past and what happens during that time. It also shows some of the ways people acted those days and what kind of things they used to do, things like hunting, cooking, and the ways they dressed those days and the types of transportation they had druing that particular time.
Stewart, Elisabeth J. On The Long Trail Home. New york, NY 10012; sholastic inc., February 1996.
By: Chris Kim
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