Title: The lion, the witch and the wardrobe
author: C.S. Lewis
ISBN: 0-439-84797-4
This fantasy story is interesting because four kids-Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy enter a whole new world. The White Witch tries to get Edmund to join to the evil side but he stays and helps Aslan and his family.
The saddest part of this story to me is Aslan's death. But with his trick he comes back to life and runs to the battlefield to help his army fight against the White Witch's army. He sees The White Witch fighting with Peter and runs after her, jumps on her and kills her instantly. Then all of the White Witch's army runs away into the enchanted forest.
The war is over, and the four children become Kings and Queens of Narnia and sware to come back to Narnia again and rule it.
To write my opinion, I think the part since Aslan's revival was not well organized and detailed. The part that Edmund had to die and Aslan decided to die for Edmund happened so suddenly. And the part Aslan killed the White Witch was also a little boring. The least organized part was the scene the four children became King and Queen at the end.
Though the ending part was a little boring, I like this book not only because it has a strong structure and thrill partly in the story but it is a Christian-like story. I will like to recommend this book to everyone because it is very adventurous and interesting while it is didactic.
Lewis, C.S.. The lion, the witch and the wardrobe. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2006
- Posted by Grace kang
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