Thursday, May 25, 2006

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
By: Mildred D. Taylor
ISBN: 014034893

This book is about a girl named Cassie Logan and her family. Her family is African American and throughout the book she tries to understand why white people are so different from them. Most black people don't have land of their own, so the Logans were pretty fortunate. But because of racism, things get harder and harder for them to actually keep the land that the family had worked so hard to get. As the story goes on, Cassie's Uncle Hammer and other people think that it is time to use viloence to stop the predjudice. Cassie's father firmly believes in non-viloence though. Now that the price for cotton has gone down, the family works twicw as hard, and to stay away from violence, Cassie's dad keeps up with the mortgage as best he can. Uncle Hammer does not think that keep paying the mortgage would do it, so one day he gets into some trouble and reats to it extremely violent...

I like the book, but I really thought that it started out boring. It did not really pull me in right away. It had so much racism in it and it just really made me sad, but then again, i thought it was good that I read it because it makes you realize alot of things that happened that was just so unfair.

Taylor, Mildred.Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.New York.Puffin books. 1991.

Ariele A.


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