book report

Title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone.
Author: J. K. Rowling
ISBN: 89-8392-069-6
Brief book summary: When Harry was one year old, he repulse a wizard of darkness. He was sent to his uncle’s house for his safety. Even though Harry’s parents were killed by the wizard of darkness, his uncle lied to harry that his parents were dead by car accident. On his 11th birthday, he finally knew that he was a wizard and everything about himself and his parents. He got a permission to attend Hogwarts. Hogwarts is the best witchcraft and wizardry school of England. In Hogwarts, he learned about medical botany, the way of using magic wand and magic history.
He became famous for Qudditch. It’s a game which is playing with flying broom stick. He faced with a dog with 3 heads, huge spider, dragon and centaur to save his school and his magic world from a wizard of darkness.
Opinion of the book: This novel is really funny and full of imagination which make people envy. This book can be read by all ages.
posted by Jihee Lee