Title : King Arthur and the knigts of the round table.
Author : Thomas Malory
ISBN : 0-582-421187
Nobody knows who is an author of this story but there are two people who are known for writing this story. One of them is Thomas Malory who wrote this story. When i read this
story, it was so interesting. I didn't watch a movie before i've read this. That's why this
book was so interesting to me.
There was a king who lived in Britain between the years 400 and 600. He fought the
Saxons, from countries in the north of Europe and perhaps this king was Arthur. At that
time people were interested in magic, knights and their ladies. That's why people fought
with swords and use magic in these stories. Arthur was an one person who pulled the sword
out of the stone. Many people tried to pull out however they couldn't even move the sword.
They went back to the place outside the church, and Sir Ector Put the sword in the stone
again. Then he asked Arthur try to pull it out. Arthur pulled it out . It came out as easily as a
knife out of butter. Sir Ector saw this and took Arthur's hand. Then Sir Ector said him,
"You are my king". From that day, Arthur became a king .
One day, King Arthur went to somewhere and there was a queen named Queen Annoure.
She was so lonely therefore she tried to make him stay together. However he opposed to
do that. Queen Annoure felt so annoying and she asked Sir Pellinore kill King Arthur. Sir
Pellinore tried to kill him before he noticed that he was King Arthur . He cried and asked him
do not kill him. King Arthur was a brilliant person so he just let him run away.
He was a brilliant king before he was dead. He said to his knight that he would come
again one day when his country asked for him. He was on the boat and he said like
that to his knight. Those words were the King's last words. The boat went out across the water.
Sir Bedivere was so sad .
This book told me that King Arthur was brave man. He solved the problems very seriously.
I think if we read this book once, then we might want to read this book again. This means that
this book remains lots of things for me. We might have the suffering at that moment, we can
borrow his thinking and his decision. I think it might be effected to our lives.
Malory, Thomas.
King Arthur and the knights of the round table.
London: Penguin books LTD 2000.